Watching the trends in modern furniture


Cool TV stands

Save for a few choice programmes, i have to say i don't watch a whole bunch of telly these days. Those that I will admit to watching are:

Top Gear
Question Time
re-runs of The Sweeney

And that's about it. So my concern isn't so much 'what's on television?' so much as 'what's the television on?' as in, 'where does the television get put?'. That's actually more of a pressing concern these days than it used to be, what with the giant size of most modern televisions compared with the models of yesteryear, when even a 28" CRT was considered a monster telly. I mean, these days, that's doubled in size - check out this amazing new widescreen cinema ratio television

So, you need something safe and secure for your television. Also it needs to be a unit that you feel matches the set and your surroundings. (NB don't just attach TV to the wall, it makes the room look like a school classroom) For a modern vibe, there's plenty of choice available at your local leather furniture store and online. All you need now is something to watch. Or a new DVD box set!


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