A leather sofa recliner - This has to be first on the list - it is essential to be as comfortable as possible when watching matches - however, as this piece of furniture may be subjected to a variety of stains and alot of jumping up and down on it also needs to be durable - something like this is what we would go for......

Big coffee table for crisps and sweets and drinks - a crucial part of the big match experience is the consumption of various snakck and drinks that probably aren't all that good for you! To do this your going to have to have a nice big table with plenty of space to cram all this stuff onto- how about this, simple but effective example?.....

For more coffee table inspiration, see this great guide on the Channel 4 website.
A nice big TV stand - of course, you should by now have an HD Widescreen TV to watch all the action on, a nice stand is required to hold this - the most crucial item, in the room. This IKEA stand should do the trick.
Some beanbags for your mates to lounge on - we wouldn't spend fortunes here!

There we go that's our choices....which items of furniture would you consider to be crucial to the World Cup experience? Let us know.....and enjoy the tournament when it comes round!
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