Watching the trends in modern furniture


Simple design in the living room

After my last post on Copenhagen Design Week, I've been thinking about how to incorporate some great functional design into my living room.

Danish designers have got it so right, and I think the simplicity of such clean design is missing in a lot of living rooms - especially mine right now. Naturally, the living room is where a lot of time spent - so we usually need to incorporate several parts of life into the interior design of one room. But what most of us forget is that it doesn't have to be fussy to be functional and nice to look at. Just because you want to relax and watch TV there every night, doesn't mean you need a sofa with a hundred pillows on it. And impressing guests isn't neccesarily going to be done with a highly patterned carpet.

If anything, the living room should be kept more simple than ever, to accomodate the wide range of activities that may have to take place there - from socialising to relaxing, from eating a meal to playing with the children of the family.

It's a sofa I need right now, and it's hard to draw myself away from the big squishy designs that you could sink into and never get back up. But I know that what I really want is something well made, simple and classic. Luckily most sofa retailers have caught on to the trend for simple and clean design - which should make things easier. I've been looking at some simple black and white designs and plan to keep the rest of the living room just as simple. Just need to stay away from the pillow section now.

What do you think of simple design in the living room? Should it be kept clean and minamilist or cosy and cluttered?
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Copenhagen Design Week

At the start of this month the Copenhagen Design Week took place - a whole week of talks and presentation featuring mostly Scandinavian design.

As a big fan of Scandinavian furniture design, I was extremely dissapointed that I couldn't go - and geography kept us apart. But luckily some feedback from the events gave me the chance to learn about some great new designers - and I got some great ideas for my living room, which I am currently redorating (when am I not). Here are some of the things I wish I'd managed to get too.

Four Design - clean lines at their best, this event showcased the work of Christina Strand and Niels Hvass, personal favourites of mine.

Interstuhl - Are you passionate about chairs? I am - and so are the people behind interstuhl, which means a passion for chairs. The designers behind these chairs drew inspiration for the chairs from international trips, and that's exactly what I love about design: it's functional art in everyday life.

We:Do:Wood - Scandinavian design largely revolves around the use of high quality wood, so I think this event would have been at the top of my list, with the up and coming Danish furniture designers behind the event discussing to mix functionality with beauty and susainability.
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