Watching the trends in modern furniture


The Search for A New Couch

It may sound easy - but searching for a new sofa is a lot more difficult than it looks.As the focal point of any contemporary living room, a couch needs to tie together comfort, style, usability and durability - as well as being the right size and shape for the room it is going to be placed in.Yes, sofas have a number of standards to meet -and we haven't even discussed the price yet. Many sofa stores run promotions all year round, so great...
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Shining a Light on the Effects of Wall Lamps

Shamefully, lighting used to be the last thing most people thought about when decorating their living room.I have to admit I have done it myself - choosing colourschemes, couches and carpets used to seem far more interesting. Matching lampshades and a couple of table lamps could be found after the job was complete.But my eyes are open now -lighting can set the tone for an entire room on its own. Take these wall lights for example. Not...
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