Watching the trends in modern furniture


Living room furniture wih style: the Union Jack couch

How good is this sofa?

It's a classic design but with a modern feel, and the Union Flag design is pretty cool - I bet Noel Gallagher wishes he could have had one of these back in the Supernova Heights days. If you go looking at furniture online there's a lot of stuff like this that really is a bit different. Think I'd like to see a Welsh flag sofa at some point too.
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Warm rooms in winter

It's been cold the past few nights, ain't it? Bleedin' Baltic guvner. There is little that contemporary living room design can do to help you stay warm - that's the job of the plumber, the cavity wall insulation people, etc.

But there are at least ways to make a room have a sense of warmth. Big rugs, thick curtains, soft lighting. Winter's not really the time for ultraminimalism - you don't want the room looking like the inside of an igloo.

For that extra warm touch you can even buy a DVD that makes your TV emulate a fireplace.

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